INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 2 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 594 Today's Topics: A3000 Bashing mania Computer Shopper/Protfolio Games only for the ST? GNU C Info-atari16 listserver for Britain Need help locating DVI fonts TT's VME-slots TT and STE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 1 Nov 89 22:03:49 GMT From: uokmax!metnet!p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG! (Mark Johnson) Subject: A3000 Hmmm seems to me that the logic used by the Atari bashers makes that A3000 a vaporware product too. Seems odd that they aren't crying about their awful - supportless - lying - cheating C= company like they are trying to accuse Atari of, eh? d -- Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10 UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!30.0!Mark.Johnson INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 89 08:06:03 GMT From:!samsung!!!marque!carroll1!dnewton@t (Dave 'Post No Nicknames' Newton) Subject: Bashing mania In article <> gl8f@astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) writes: >In article <4694c052.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM> rehrauer@apollo.HP.COM (Steve Rehrauer) writes: >> Yes, but NeXT put a defacto standard page-description language, PostScript >> into its interface. >The NeXT Postscript for its printer is almost exactly like Ultrascript >for the ST, except the NeXT also uses Postscript for its display, >while the ST uses GDOS. GDOS, by the way, can drive the Atari Laser Printer >to "it's fullest" in many respects. Hmm. Actually, that sentence about NeXT PostScript should read more like 'UltraScript for the ST is almost exactly like PostScript for the NeXT' simply because the NeXT _is_ PostScript (licensed and all) whereas UltraScript is more of a PostScript emulator. It's nice that GDOS can drive the SM804 (or whatever the atari laser is called) to "it's fullest" in many respects, but it's still not standard. I think PostScript would have been better so we Atari folks could transfer PostScript files to other machines which is sometimes useful. >Richard Convert is not exactly the best expert for opinions concerning >the capabilities of Atari hardware. Maybe not, but I'd have to say he shows a lot more sense than other people we've heard from. -- David L. Newton | uunet!marque!carroll1!dnewton | The Raging Apostle-- (414) 524-7343 (work) | | for the future-- (414) 524-6809 (home) | 100 NE Ave, Waukesha WI 53186 | for the world. "Isn't it fun to take two unrelated sentences and mix the batter lightly?" -me ------------------------------ Date: 31 Oct 89 20:01:59 GMT From: uokmax!metnet!p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG! (Mark Johnson) Subject: Computer Shopper/Protfolio If you think that article was bad, you should read the review about it in the US trade paper InfoWorld! I actually wrote a letter to them and also one about their ommission of the Atari when talking about the Mac protable (when they mentioned no Mac "clones" are available - what about the ST and Spectre GCR?) 1 -- Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10 UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!30.0!Mark.Johnson INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 89 21:54:44 GMT From: uokmax!metnet!p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG! (Mark Johnson) Subject: Games only for the ST? That seems strange, since Word Perfect Corp took their ST version off the shelf and put the Amiga version there instead; Several new CAD prgrams have hit the market in the last 2 months (as well as 3 to 6 new word processors); GFA BASIC 3.0 (and compiler) updates are now available; PageStream 1.8 is shipping, Spectre GCR is shipping to distributors; and the list goes on.... Where have you been? 6 -- Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10 UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!30.0!Mark.Johnson INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@p0.f30.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 07:12:41 EST From: David Megginson Subject: GNU C GNU C should run fine in one meg without optimization. There is a utility distributed along with 1.34 to adjust the stack size for your machine. You might have to get rid of some DAs and TSR programs. David Megginson, Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Nov 89 10:18:57 From: Rat Subject: Info-atari16 listserver for Britain (From "The Masked Rat Fink" "Computing and Informatics Yr4") Request for help from any fellow British readers! I have a friend who would like to subscribe to this fine (Grovel) digest, but I cannot remember which list-server to send to. Can anyone let me know please as at the moment he has to rely on me remembering to forward issues to him. Thankyou. Simon (aka Rat) ===================++========================================================== Simon P. Chappell || JANET S61304@UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-A 51, Amherst Road, || BITNET S61304@PRIME-A.PLYMOUTH.AC.UK Penny-Come-Quick, || INTERNET S61304%UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-A@NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK Plymouth, |+========================================================== Devon, || DISCLAIMER : Anything said by me is the truth as far as I England. || know and I cannot be held responsible for any offence PL3 4HJ. || this causes, though I do apologise for any inaccuracies Tel: (0752) 223365 || in anything written above. ===================++========================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 89 05:08:23 GMT From: psuvm! Subject: Need help locating DVI fonts Can anyone tell me how to either obtain a set of 240dpi DVI fonts or to generate them using .MF files? I'm trying to get the DVI-to-Epson driver program to work, and all I lack are fonts of the appropriate size. I tried downloading some files with provocative names like CM_MF.ARC and MF_FILES.ARC, but there was no documentation included. (I seem to recall obtaining them from Please reply to PMR2@PSUVM... well, you can read the header too. If you're knowledgeable about the matter, please let me know whether it would be worthwhile to post a summary of the responses I get. Thanks. Paul Ricker ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 89 23:07:17 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!hydra!hylka! (Jouni Alkio, University of Helsinki, Finland) Subject: TT's VME-slots In article <468ef7cd.14a1f@force.UUCP>, covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: (Reply for my recent article.) > > My main point is that having ONLY one slot guarantees that no vendor will > design hardware for that slot. This is because a vendor is competing against > others for a very limited resource. Say there were three vendors all wanting > to sell a HW card for the ONE slot. But, since there is only one slot all > three vendors are competing against each other for use of the one slot. And > that is true even if the 3 vendors aren't producing the same function. How can you be so sure that one slot results in no hardware? > > Also, having only one slot means that a vendor won't produce a simple board, > but will need to produce an all in one board. For example, if you have many > slots a vendor might produce a cheap RAM board, but with only one slot the > vendor would have to produce a RAM, I/O, video board all in one. Thus a more > expensive board and a smaller market for the vendor. I agree on this. > > So, while I personally may not need or what a AD/DA card for a TT, having many > VME slots may mean that someone will produce a board that I do want. And the > TT/P with its one partial-VME slot just doesn't allow for any growth. As I already said, there will be the TT/X, which will be much more expensive, though. > What would I like to see in card slots?? Well, have about a cheap Ethernet controller, > or a cheap tap controller, or a a cheap RAM board, or a cheap INTERNAL modem, > or a cheap hi rez color graphics board, or a cheap serial IO card. Heck, > there are many HW boards that could enhance the TT. And none will ever be > developed if the TT comes out with only one slot. As far as I know, you'll be able to fit quite a lot RAM inside the TT. Atari has said it will offer the ATW's good graphics board for the TT. And I wouldn't really wonder if somebody introduced a some kind of slot expansion for the TT. > > And that is why I won't buy another closed system from Atari. I would rather > wait for the 80486 machines with AT&T Sys V Release 4.0 with X Windows. ..and pay quite a lot more... > > Richard Covert Jouni Alkio ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1989 2:46:58 MET From: LarsErikOsterud Subject: TT and STE We all know that both the TT and the STE will run ST software, but will the TT run STE software ? Will the STE run some STE software (i guess not) ? What I'm aiming at is: Will TT-user have the possibility of using programs made for the STE (if the great TT user want to a game :-) Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________ Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST __________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #594 ***************************************** =========================================================================