The unopened phile...
Happy Christmas Everybody

Issue #5 of AtariPhile will be out when it's
Expect it when you see it!!!
You know it's gonna be worth the wait.
Amongst other things we plan to have...
- Full Papyrus 4 review.
- Full MagiC 5 review [postponed due to lack of space in AP#4 - Ed]
- Kev ZIPs out of the ARC, leaves the ZOO and for a LHARC continues his
series of feature articles... with a look at archiving. [OK, OK, I
used this line in AP#3 - but this issue was just too full to squeeze
it in - even archived! - Ed]
- Hopefully the start of an HTML Tutorial by Mark Wherry.
- David J. Williams tells us more about Music in MIDI
- Adam Foster's POV ratracing tutorial reaches part 3.
- Owen Philp develops the MidiPhile
- and...
- Hopefully a review of Nemesis!!!
The programs used to produce this HTML issue of AtariPhile are:
- CAB - Crystal Atari Browser
- Everest - Text Editor
- Imagecopy - Image Utility
- Kandinsky - Vector Graphics
- Positive Image - Graphic Processing
- Rotate - Vector font utility
- Textstyle - Text styling utility
- True Paint - Bitmap Graphics
Other programs have been used by the contributors, such as Apex
Media, GEM Bench, GEMView, Protext, That's Write and Papyrus.
We try to produce AtariPhile to look good in all video modes, but
obviously leaning towards the higher resolutions. If, in colour mode,
you think things are not looking quite right it may be because CAB
still does not handle forced colours correctly accross 16 and 256
modes. Eg: The command 'gray' gives a nice light grey in 16 colour
mode but a dark gray in 256. Likewise 'silver' gives the light grey
in 256 colour mode yet it's white in 16 colours. We can't win!
To see AtariPhile at it's best set your CAB Display Options to:
- Window - Light Grey
- Text - Blue
- Links - Red
- And switch off 'use document settings'
If you are unable to view this magazine in 256 colour
mode, we recommend you use 16 colour mode and select "Geryscale
Graphics" in your browser's display options/
We hope you enjoyed issue #4 of AtariPhile
We'll see y'all next year!

AtariPhile is available to all. We require a formatted
Double Density disk, a Self Addressed Envelope and TWO first class
stamps [one for return postage and one towards our costs] per issue.
Make sure you put enough stamps on the package to cover delivery - we
refuse underpaid packages. Non-UK residents should send International
Postage Coupons. AtariPhile is also available from 42BBS [on
01256-895106], Goodman's PD library [on 01782-335650], Floppyshop PD
library [on 01224-312756] and the FaST Club [on 0115-945 5250].