
September 1996

[AtariPhile Logo]

Welcome to Issue #3
All good things are worth waiting for. We - as you've probably noticed - are a little late with the release of this issue. There are many reasons for this which I don't intend to go into. However I think we've compensated you all for the extra wait by producing our biggest and best issue yet.

We recommend you use version 1.3 [or higher if available] of the Crystal Atari Browser [CAB] to read AtariPhile. The screenshots and graphics are produced in a variety of colour modes from mono to 256 colours. To see AtariPhile at it's best view it in 256 colour mode. It is, however, readable in all modes from ST-Low, even if the menus in CAB are a little screwed up! Take a look at our X-Phile page for info on what setting to use in CAB to get the best view of AtariPhile.

Three well known Atari authors can be found in this issue. Frank Charlton has written an article on the closure of ST Format and muses on what the future holds for Atari owners. Joe Connor introduces us to a new printed, subscription only, magazine due to be launched at the shows. Roger Derry shares some thoughts with us about his favorite accessories in our regular Star.Accessories slot.

The Online feature we've been promising since issue one is finally here. It will now be a regular feature written by our new online editor Jonathan Nott. Jonathan is a well known and experienced Atari comms user. He is best known for his work with the ANL (Atari Net Locator) WWW site and we are very pleased to welcome him as a member of the team.

The Atari Shows are nearly upon us. We will have a stand at the London show on the 29th of September. Catch up with our back issues by bringing a disk or two along and stop for a chat. The address for the show is: Osterley Hotel, 764 Great West Road, Isleworth, Middlesex.

We've said in the past that AtariPhile will be published bi-monthly, this is proving to be a hard task. Therefore we will publish each issue as and when it is ready. We will however produce an issue as frequently as possible.

Finally, before you get into reading this issue we would like to thank Martin Stacey and Dave Meaker of Walusoft for their help, support and web space.

AtariPhile is available to all. We require a formatted Double Density disk, a Self Addressed Envelope and TWO first class stamps [one for return postage and one towards our costs] per issue. Make sure you put enough stamps on the package to cover delivery - we refuse underpaid packages. Non-UK residents should send International Postage Coupons. AtariPhile is also available from 42BBS [on 01256-895106], Goodman's PD library [on 01782-335650], Floppyshop PD library [on 01224-312756] and the FaST Club [on 0115-945 5250].

We welcome reviews/articles written by YOU [please request a copy of our style sheet]. As we don't charge for the publication we cannot pay you, but if your article is included you will receive that issue with our compliments. You'll also have the pleasure of knowing that you have helped towards the continued support of our beloved computer. Advertisements, questions, letters, hints and tips will become regular sections as long as you supply items for inclusion. Submissions are accepted for publication only if supplied on disk in ASCII format [or Email/NetMail].

The reviews/articles are no longer individually uploaded to our NeST echo, but will be distributed as a single archive via FanFiles and each issue will be placed on the Walusoft www site.

             "AtariPhile" by the Falcon FacTT File...
         Kev Beardsworth                Colin Fisher-McAllum
         32 Chestnut Rd                 11 Pound Meadow
         Fishtoft, Boston               Whitchurch
         Links PE21 0BU                 Hants RG28 7LG

                     42BBS 01256-895106
