

Classified Ads:

NVDI 2.5 £10 : WordFlair II with FSM GDOS £20 : DataLite 2 £15 : Imagecopy 2 £8 : Frontier Elite II £8 : Transarctica [ST/STe/Falcon] £10 : ViewTec 12inch Greyscale monitor - unused prize - internal sterio speakers and cables for STe £20 [You collect or pay carriage]
Phone Colin # 01256-896879

Superbase Pro £30 : ScreenBlaster £30 :
Phone Kev # 01205-356867

Half meg STFM - reasonable offers : Star LC10 9 pin dot matrix printer - reasonable offers : Mk 1 RGB Philips Monitor - 50 quid : 4 meg memory expansion for falcon 030 - reasonable offers.

Can deliver Central belt of Scotland, all others add post and packing.

Could you also bung in an advert for the following games for me please? [Sure can - FFF] I just don't have the time to see if they work on the Flacon (I never could figure out Backward)

Armada : Populous : Powermonger : MegaLoMania : Balance of Power : Leader Board Golf : Police Quest : Lure of the Temptress : The Pawn : Gauntlet : Silent Service.
Dunno about prices, reasonable offers welcome (plus P&P)
Phone Domhnall # 0131-334 9814

WNATED - Atari STe - must be good condition.
Phone Val Gutzu # 0161-627 1549

To advertise in AtariPhile send your text on disk in ASCI format. You must include your full name and address.
Buyers should ensure that the products they are purchasing are complete and original.
