NVDI 2.5 £10 : WordFlair II
with FSM GDOS £20 : DataLite 2 £15 : Imagecopy 2 £8 :
Frontier Elite II £8 : Transarctica [ST/STe/Falcon] £10 :
ViewTec 12inch Greyscale monitor - unused prize - internal sterio
speakers and cables for STe £20 [You collect or pay carriage]
Phone Colin # 01256-896879
Superbase Pro £30 :
ScreenBlaster £30 :
Phone Kev # 01205-356867
Half meg STFM - reasonable offers :
Star LC10 9 pin dot matrix printer - reasonable offers : Mk 1 RGB
Philips Monitor - 50 quid : 4 meg memory expansion for falcon 030 -
reasonable offers.
Can deliver Central belt of Scotland, all others add post and packing.
Could you also bung in an advert for the following games for me please? [Sure can - FFF] I just don't have the time to see if they work on the Flacon (I never could figure out Backward)
Armada : Populous : Powermonger : MegaLoMania : Balance of Power :
Leader Board Golf : Police Quest : Lure of the Temptress : The Pawn :
Gauntlet : Silent Service.
Dunno about prices, reasonable offers welcome (plus P&P)
Phone Domhnall # 0131-334 9814
WNATED - Atari STe - must be good
Phone Val Gutzu # 0161-627 1549