FFF Info

June 1996 - Issue #2


Welcome to Issue #2 of "AtariPhile"
the new FFF magazine
Well it's been two months since the release of AtariPhile #1 and the response has been terrific.We've had many E-mails and letters from readers congratulating us on the first issue and there have been some great ideas put forward on how to improve the AtariPhile.

This issue of AP contains some imagemaped graphics. Basically they are pictures that you click on to be taken elsewhere in the magazine. Therefore you must have graphics switched 'on' while reading the "MagiC Utility" and "Look'n See" reviews.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has written to us during the past few weeks. We would also like to thank ST Format for awarding AP#1 a generous 93% in the PD section of their June 96 edition. Due to this great response issue two has proved to be a great challenge to produce. The big question has been how do we follow the first publication. We hope that question has been answered with the contents found in AP#2.

Two well known and popular writers have joined us for this issue.

Joe Connor, famous in Atari circles for his InterActive shareware support scheme and his articles which have appeared in Atari World and ST Applications.

Roger Derry, the man behind the powerful address manager NameNet will be familiar to Falcon FacTT File members as one of its founders. He is also a well known writer having been published in Atari World, ST Applications and ST User.

Lets hope we can persuade them both to write for the AtariPhile again.

AtariPhile is available to non-members. We require a formatted Double Density disk, a Self Addressed Envelope and TWO first class stamps [one for return postage and one towards our costs] per issue. Make sure you put enough stamps on the package to cover delivery - we refuse underpaid packages. Non-UK residents should send International Postage Coupons. AtariPhile is also available from 42BBS [on 01256-895106], Goodman's PD library [on 01782-335650], Floppyshop PD library [on 01224-312756] and the FaST Club [on 0115-945 5250].

Falcon FacTT File members should continue to supply a High Density disk to receive the full FFF package when they update there listing entry. You can of course also take just the AtariPhile for which you should send a DD disk with ONE stamp and envelope per issue [Ooooo.... FFF discount!] Again, we will accept up to six months of disks in advance.

We welcome reviews/articles written by YOU [please request a copy of our style sheet]. As we don't charge for the publication we cannot pay you, but if your article is included you will receive that issue with our compliments. You'll also have the pleasure of knowing that you have helped towards the continued support of our beloved computer. Advertisements, questions, letters, hints and tips will become regular sections as long as you supply items for inclusion. Submissions are accepted for publication only if supplied on disk in ASCII format [or Email/NetMail].

The reviews/articles are no longer individually uploaded to our NeST echo, but will be distributed as a single archive via FanFiles and each issue will be placed on the Walusoft www site.

             "AtariPhile" by the Falcon FacTT File...
         Kev Beardsworth                Colin Fisher-McAllum
         32 Chestnut Rd                 11 Pound Meadow
         Fishtoft, Boston               Whitchurch
         Links PE21 0BU                 Hants RG28 7LG

                     42BBS 01256-895106

FFF Info