"Does anybody hove information on installing a second floppy drive on a
Falcon. I have a spare drive and a DeskTopper. The DeskTopper handbook
says it is possible. I would like to try it if it is not to difficult.
Thanks in advance if anybody's got the info, hopefully with a diagram or two.."
Ken Johnston, Glasgow

Well I'm sorry to say that neither Kev or I know the answer to this
one. But maybe someone reading this does?

"I hope to buy a secondhand Falcon real soon and want to use it
for graphics and to get online to Atari BBSs. My friend has an ST with
a modem and he said he could't connect his modem to a Falcon! Is this
Paul Sparrow, Stoke

In a word... No!
I suspect your friend failed to connect his modem
to a Falcon because he tried the same cable he uses on the ST. A Falcon
has a 9 pin connector and the ST a 25 pin connector. All you need is
the correct cable and you'll be OK.
I hope that you'll come and visit us on 42BBS [01256-895106] when you
get online?

How do I unpack a PAX file? eg the new Gemview
Roy Goring, on 42BBS

The new distribution of GemView does not include the installation
program. Find an older archive that contains GVW3INST.APP and run this
program with the *.PAX file in the same directory.
To ask your question in AtariPhile send your text as an
Email/NetMail or on disk in ASCI format.
If you have the answer to someones question - PLEASE let us know!