------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE UNCONVENTIONAL PARTY COMPO RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the complete results of the UNCONVENTIONAL PARTY 2ooo, organized by FOUNDATION TWO and the ABBUC on the first weekend in September. DEMO COMPETITION 16/32bit 1st LOUD! "WAITING FOR THE APOCALYPSE" ST 163 points 2nd PARANOIA "HERESY" Fo3o 13o points DEMO COMPETITION 8bit 1st several people "?" 64KB XL/XE 137 points 2nd MIRKO of MS SOFT "?" 64KB XL/XE 125 points GRAFIX COMPETITION 1st MOONDOG of .tSCc. "DelFun" 16colors PC1 179 points 2nd PARANOID of PARANOIA "Waste it" 16colors PI1 165 points 3rd GILDOR "Keep 3 16colors IMG 152 points 4th STSURVIVOR of LOUD! "STS gfx" 16colors PI1 147 points 5th NIR DARY of IACT "?" XL/XE B/W 146 points 6th GILDOR "Thall" Truecolor JPG 145 points 6th THOTHY of SDT "Unconkal" 16colors GIF 111 points CHIPMUSIC COMPETITION 1st 5o5 of CHECKPOINT "Short" Pokey Chipsound 166 points 2nd 5o5 of CHECKPOINT "Zirkuss" ST Chipsound 157 points 3rd LUEBKE of PARANOIA "Compo" ST Chipsound 156 points 4th MILHOUSE "Endpart" ST Chipsound 152 points 5th MC LASER of .tSCc. "Alpha Proxyma" ST Chipsound 137 points 6th RIK of KAISERSOFT "Stolen By" Pokey Chipsound 13o points MODULE COMPETITION 1st 5o5 of CHECKPOINT "BierTeer" 8Channel Module 184 points 2nd MC LASER of .tSCc. "My Therapy" 8Channel Module 153 points 3rd MILHOUSE "Invasion" GT2 Module 124 points 4th SHIUMING LAI "Cardiac Arrest" Protracker Module 117 points 5th SYSOP FOX-1 "Wall Of Teckno" DTM Module 75 points WILD COMPETITION 1st THOTHY of SDT "Burning Bee" Fo3o 128bytro 161 points 2nd MC LASER of .tSCc. "Uncon 2k logo" ASCII 99 points HARDDISK THROWING COMPETITION 1st STANISLAV OPICHALS of JAY SOFTWARE 2nd THOTHY of SDT 3rd NIR DARY of ISRAEL ATARI CAOTIC TEAM MILLIPEDE COMPETITION 1st PARANOID of PARANOIA 2nd MR XY of LIGHT 3rd BOHDAN MILAR (BOB) 4th THOTHY of SDT