Hi coders, Here are the sources for both Falcon [falaxy.zip] and Windoze (+OpenGL) [pcgalaxy.zip]. For studying the galaxy generator's working's, it's best to start with the pc version, because it's very easy to change parameters real-time there (use the keys). The program was made with Borland C Builder by Tristan van Stijn. Cheers mate! =) The Atari version is total assembly, but the generation algorithm is commented. It's based on the code from Delta, back in 2002. Assemble the dastd.s (don't ask me what that means, I can't even remember! *lol*) and run. You can also change the included demo object (.so) to watch the basic spiral shapes or the star spheres. That's all. Have fun! Pieter van der Meer (earx/lineout)