/* markbad.c */ /* 18-Apr-88 ml. implement delete of trashed subdirectory with */ /* recovering of files. */ /* 16-Mar-88 ml. split assist.c into this and zero.c. */ /* 15-Mar-88 ml. allow user to determine destiny of trashed files. */ /* 16-Oct-87 ml. fixed some bugs. */ /* 26-Oct-87 ml. rewrote markbad, readrange, fixbadcls (everything). */ /* 28-Oct-87 ml. modified markbad to mark fats and root dir also. */ /* 11-Dec-87 ml. added BSL concept to markbad() and zero(). */ /* 13-Oct-88 J.Ye change and add codes for big partition. */ /* 18-Agu-89 J.Ye change codes to support header size over 256MB */ #include "obdefs.h" #include "gemdefs.h" #include "osbind.h" #include "mydefs.h" #include "part.h" #include "bsl.h" #include "getstart.h" #include "hdx.h" #include "addr.h" extern long gbslsiz(); extern long nument(); extern long cntbad(); extern int *fatck(); extern GSINFO *getstart(); extern long bslsiz; extern BYTE *bsl; extern SECTOR badbuf[]; /* bad sectors buffer */ extern long ratio; UWORD ndirs; /* total number of root directory entries */ UWORD sectdir; /* number of sectors root directory entries take up */ UWORD clusiz; /* number of bytes per cluster */ SECTOR strootdir; /* starting sector number of root directory */ int endofdir; /* TRUE: reaches end of directory */ int emptyorph=0; /* an empty orphan list */ GSINFO *finfo; /* file information from getstart() */ extern int gl_wchar; /* width of system font (pixels) */ char pname[260]; /* full path name of a file */ char dpname[260]; /* full path name of a file to be displayed */ char sectbuf[10]; char clusbuf[10]; long sysize; /* system available memory */ /* * Fixup bad sector entries in the FATs; * suboptimal, since a FAT sector is read and two are * written for EACH bad sector, even if there is * more than one bad entry in a given FAT sector. * * */ fixbadcls(ldev, fat0, fatsiz, data, nbad) int ldev; /* logical device */ SECTOR fat0, data; UWORD fatsiz; int nbad; { long numcl; UWORD clno, nxtcl; int i; UWORD *buf; SECTOR fat1; /* physical starting sector# of 2nd FAT */ SECTOR pstart; /* physical starting sector# of partition */ SECTOR badsect; /* current bad sector */ extern SECTOR logstart(); extern LOGMAP logmap[]; int did=0, nmarked, ret, spc; if((buf = (UWORD *)Malloc((long)fatsiz << 9)) <= 0) return err(nomemory); pstart = logstart(ldev); spc = 2*ratio; /* No, 2 spc */ numcl = (logmap[ldev-'C'].lm_siz - data) / spc; fat1 = fat0 + fatsiz; if ((ret = rdsects(ldev, fatsiz, (char *)buf, fat0)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(fatread); ret = ERROR; goto fixend; } nmarked = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i) { badsect = badbuf[i] - pstart; if ((clno = (badsect - data)/spc) >= numcl) continue; /* find out the next cluster number */ gw((UWORD *)(buf+clno+2), &nxtcl); /* Nope, ah ha, just mark it bad */ *(buf+clno+2) = 0xf7ff; /* 0xfff7 in 8086-land */ nmarked++; /* write FAT0 and FAT1 */ if ((ret = wrsects(ldev, fatsiz, (char *)buf, fat0)) != 0 || (ret = wrsects(ldev, fatsiz, (char *)buf, fat1)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(fatwrite); ret = ERROR; goto fixend; } } ret = nmarked; fixend: Mfree((long)buf); return ret; } /* * Handle situations when bad sector found is currently allocated * to a file. * * Options for user: * - Delete the victim file. (Lose all data in file.) * Bad sector will be marked in FATs. * - Skip over the cluster where the bad sector resides. * (Lose data in bad sector only.) Need to patch up * FATs and root directory entry of file. Bad sector * will be marked in FATs. * - Ignore the bad sector. Bad sector will stay unmarked * in FATs. * * Input: * ldev - logical device. * fatimg - image of FAT table. * fatsiz - # clusters FAT occupies. * badsect - bad sector in question. * clno - cluster containing the bad sector. * nxtcl - next cluster in chain. (ie. cluster currently * pointed to by cluster with the bad sector. * * Output: * ERROR - if something went wrong in the process. * 1 - cluster in question is marked. Image of FATs 'may' * be modified, depending on the option chosen by the * user. * * Comments: * Things get pretty hairy when the bad sector is allocated * to a subdirectory file (ie. file that contains entries of other * files belonging to that subdirectory). As of today (17-Mar-88), * no action (may be an alert) will be taken for victim subdirectory * files. * 31-Mar-88 : started to add routines to take care of * trashed subdirectories. * 11-Apr-88 : froze development of relinking trashed * subdirectories. Will fix all known bugs and release first. * 18-Apr-88 : started to implement recovering of files of * a trashed subdirectory. * */ partoffile(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, badsect, clno, nxtcl) int ldev; /* logical device number */ UWORD *fatimg; /* FAT's image */ UWORD fatsiz; /* #sectors in FAT */ SECTOR badsect; /* sector which is bad */ UWORD clno, nxtcl; /* current cluster # and next cluster # */ { int *orphans; /* list of orphans in FAT */ UWORD numorph; /* number of orphans found in FAT */ FCB *dirent; /* a directory entry */ int attribs; /* file attributes */ int ret; /* return code */ int tail; /* num pixels path name exceeds box's width */ int sub; /* TRUE: file in process is a subdirectory */ int i; /* index */ ret = OK; /* assume everything is OK to start with */ /* Check integrity of FATs */ if ((orphans = fatck(ldev-'A')) <= 0L) { switch (orphans) { case FFATS: ret = err(fatread); goto leave; case FROOT: ret = err(dirread); goto leave; case FFAIL: ret = err(nomemory); goto leave; case FAMBI: ret = err(badfat); goto leave; default: break; } } ltoa(badsect, sectbuf); /* sector number of bad sector */ /* Find what file bad sector is allocated to */ if ((finfo = getstart(orphans, clno+2, ldev-'A')) == GORPH) { markorph[ORPHYES].ob_state = NORMAL; markorph[ORPHNO].ob_state = NORMAL; (markorph[ORPHSEC].ob_spec)->te_ptext = sectbuf; itoa(clno+2, clusbuf); /* +2: 2 unused entries at FAT */ (markorph[ORPHCLU].ob_spec)->te_ptext = clusbuf; if (execform(markorph) == ORPHYES) { /* want to mark orphan */ *(fatimg+clno+2) = 0xf7ff; /* 0xfff7 in 8086-land */ ret = 1; } else { /* don't want to mark orphan */ ret = 0; } goto leave; } else if (finfo == GFAIL) { ret = err(nomemory); goto leave; } /* else if (finfo == GALLO || finfo == GOOFY If these are ever returned, it's this program's fault. */ if (!(finfo->gs_fpath[0])) { /* 0: can't read subdirectory */ err(sdirread); ret = 0; goto leave; } /* root of full path name of file */ pname[0] = ldev; pname[1] = ':'; pname[2] = '\0'; /* Have to display entire path name */ strcat(pname, finfo->gs_fpath); /* Is trashed file a subdirectory? */ /* How many characters will the path name exceed width of dialogue? */ if ((attribs = Fattrib(pname, 0, 0)) & FA_SUB) { sub = TRUE; tail = (strlen(finfo->gs_fpath)+2)*gl_wchar-lmrksub[BADSUB].ob_width; } else { sub = FALSE; tail = (strlen(finfo->gs_fpath)+2)*gl_wchar-lmrkfile[BADFILE].ob_width; } /* Display path name, sector & cluster # concerned */ if (tail <= 0) { /* path name of file will fit in dialogue */ strcpy(dpname, pname); } else { /* path name of file is too long for dialogue */ dpname[0] = ldev; dpname[1] = ':'; dpname[2] = '\0'; strcat(dpname, "\\..."); strcat(dpname, &(finfo->gs_fpath[tail/gl_wchar+4])); } /* Set up dialogue with info of trashed file/subdirectory */ if (sub == TRUE) { /* it's a subdirectory file */ ret = marksub(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno); } else { /* it's a regular file */ ret = markfile(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno, nxtcl); } leave: return (ret); } /* * Marksub() * Put up dialogue informing which subdirectory is trashed, and * request action from user. * * Input: * ldev - logical device number. ('C' -> 'P') * fatimg - image of FAT 0. * fatsiz - size of FAT in sectors. * clno - cluster which bad sector resides. * * Return: * 1 - if successful and cluster with bad sector is marked. * 0 - if successful but nothing marked. * ERROR - can't read boot sector. * * Comments: * 15-Apr-88 ml. If user choose to delete the subdirectory, all * files and subdirectories belonging to that subdirectory will also * be deleted. * 18-Apr-88 ml. Try to implement recovering files so that the user * only lose the directory structure. All files and subdirectories * belonging to the 'trouble maker' now become temporary files under * the root directory. So, number of files recovered depends on number * of empty slots remained in the root directory. * */ marksub(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno) int ldev; UWORD *fatimg; UWORD fatsiz; UWORD clno; { UWORD *neworphs; /* list of new orphans */ int *lstneworphs(); FCB *dirent; /* a directory entry */ UWORD clus, nxtcl; /* current and next cluster number */ int act; /* action requested by user */ char buf[512]; int ret = OK; lmrksub[BADSUB].ob_width = strlen(dpname)*gl_wchar; lmrksub[BADSUB].ob_x = (lmrksub->ob_width - lmrksub[BADSUB].ob_width) >> 1; lmrksub[BADSUB].ob_spec = dpname; (lmrksub[SUBSEC].ob_spec)->te_ptext = sectbuf; itoa(clno+2, clusbuf); (lmrksub[SUBCLU].ob_spec)->te_ptext = clusbuf; lmrksub[SUBDELSV].ob_state = NORMAL; lmrksub[SUBDELNS].ob_state = NORMAL; lmrksub[SUBIGNOR].ob_state = NORMAL; /* Put up the dialogue */ switch ((act = execform(lmrksub))) { case SUBIGNOR: /* clicked on ignore */ ret = 0; goto subend; case SUBDELSV: /* clicked on delete and save */ ARROW_MOUSE; if (form_alert(2, svfiles) == 2) { /* bail out */ BEE_MOUSE; ret = 0; goto subend; } break; case SUBDELNS: /* clicked on delete and not save */ ARROW_MOUSE; if (form_alert(2, nsfiles) == 2) { /* bail out */ BEE_MOUSE; ret = 0; goto subend; } break; default: break; } /* Really removing subdirectory and mark bad sector */ BEE_MOUSE; /* Read directory sector containing the subdirectory file from disk */ if ((ret = rdsects(ldev, 1, buf, (SECTOR)finfo->gs_dsect*ratio)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(sdirread); ret = 0; goto subend; } /* Get directory entry of file */ dirent = (FCB *)(buf + finfo->gs_doff); /* Delete the subdirectory */ dirent->f_name[0] = FN_DEL; /* Write directory sector containing the subdirectory file back to disk */ if ((ret = wrsects(ldev,1,buf,(SECTOR)finfo->gs_dsect*ratio)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(sdirwrit); ret = 0; goto subend; } /* Zero entries of the subdirectory file in FAT, and mark bad sector */ /* start from beginning of file */ for (gw((UWORD *)&dirent->f_clust, &clus); clus < 0xfff0; /* until EOF or a cluster marked bad */ clus = nxtcl) /* next cluster becomes current */ { gw((UWORD *)(fatimg+clus), &nxtcl); /* find where next cluster is */ *(fatimg+clus) = 0; /* zero current cluster */ } *(fatimg+clno+2) = 0xf7ff; /* mark cluster with bad sector */ /* Update FATs */ if ((ret = wrsects(ldev, fatsiz, (char *)fatimg, (SECTOR)ratio)) != 0 || (ret = wrsects(ldev,fatsiz,(char *)fatimg,(SECTOR)ratio+fatsiz)) != 0){ if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(fatwrite); ret = ERROR; goto subend; } /* Find out list of orphans introduced by deleting the subdirectory */ if ((neworphs = lstneworphs(ldev)) < 0) { ret = ERROR; /* error occurs when finding new orphans */ goto subend; } else if (!neworphs) { ret = 1; /* No new orphans! No files to recover! */ goto subend; } /* Recover files in subdirectory and put them in root directory */ if (act == SUBDELSV) { /* requested to recover file */ if (rcvrfiles(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, neworphs) != OK) { ret = ERROR; goto subend; } } else if (act == SUBDELNS) { /* requested not to recover file */ if (rmvfiles(fatimg, neworphs) != OK) { ret = ERROR; goto subend; } } ret = 1; /* everything is fine. JUST FINE... */ subend: if (neworphs > 0L) Mfree((long)neworphs); return ret; } /* * Lstneworphs() * Find out what orphans exist and record them in an orphan list. * * Input: * ldev - logical device number ('C' -> 'P') * * Return: * neworphs - list of new orphans * 0 - if there is no new orphans * ERROR - if anything goes wrong */ int* lstneworphs(ldev) int ldev; { UWORD *neworphs; /* current orphans in FAT */ UWORD *orphans; /* current orphans in FAT */ int numnew, i; long ret; /* Check integrity of FATs, and find all orphans that exist */ if ((orphans = fatck(ldev-'A')) <= 0L) { switch (orphans) { case FFATS: ret = err(fatread); goto lstend; case FROOT: ret = err(dirread); goto lstend; case FFAIL: ret = err(nomemory); goto lstend; case FAMBI: ret = err(badfat); goto lstend; default: break; } } ret = 0L; /* assume there is no new orphans */ /* Any orphans in FAT? */ if (*orphans > 0) { /* Yes, try to recover them */ /* Allocate space for new orphans */ if ((neworphs = (UWORD *)Malloc((long)((*orphans+1)<<1))) <= 0L) { ret = err(nomemory); goto lstend; } for (i = 0; i <= *orphans; i++) *(neworphs + i) = *(orphans + i); ret = neworphs; } lstend: return ret; } /* * Rcvrfiles() * Recover files of a trashed subdirectory. The files will * become temporary files in the root directory of the partition. * Their names will be tmpnnnn, where nnnn is a four digit hex * number which is the starting cluster number of that file. * * Input: * ldev - logical device number. ('C' -> 'P') * fatimg - image of FAT 0. * fatsiz - number of clusters FAT occupies. * neworphs - list of new orphans. * * Output: * OK - recover (if necessary) is successful. * ERROR - something is wrong. * * Comments: * To recover the new lost files, we construct a temporary FAT * which contains only the newly introduced orphans (excluding clusters * marked bad and reserved; that is, only if they are part of a file). * All other entries are 0's. We then walk through the FAT to find the * first non-zero entry, and call getstart() to find out where the head * of this chain is. This chain will then be saved as a temp file in the * root directory, named tmpnnnn (nnnn is the starting cluster number of * the chain in hex). To save the temp file in the root directory, we * have to search for an empty slot in the root and enter information of * the temp file into the directory entry. After a chain is recovered, * zero out the chain in the temporary FAT and start to look for the next * non-zero entry in it for the next chain, until all chains are recovered. * Note that the content of the temporary FAT (referred to as fakefat) * is in regular 68000 word format. The entries are _NOT_ in 8086 byte- * swapped format. */ rcvrfiles(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, neworphs) int ldev; UWORD *fatimg; UWORD fatsiz; UWORD *neworphs; { FCB *rootdir, *availslot; /* root directory; available slot */ GSINFO *chain; /* info of an orphan chain of clusters */ UWORD *fakefat; /* a temp fat image */ UWORD content; /* cluster pointed to by a FAT entry */ UWORD orph2del; /* number of orphan yet to be deleted */ UWORD i; /* index into orphan list */ UWORD orph; /* an orphan in fake FAT */ UWORD stfat; /* index into fake FAT */ UWORD stdir; /* index into root directory */ UWORD dirslot; /* empty directory slot number */ UWORD numclus; /* number of clusters file used */ UWORD prev, curr; /* previous and current cluster number */ int done; /* 1: finish recovering files */ int endofchain; /* 1: reached end of file chain */ int rootfull; /* root directory is full */ int tget; /* current time or date */ int ret; /* return code */ char namebuf[10]; /* Allocate space for root directory */ rootdir = 0L; if ((rootdir = (FCB *)mymalloc(sectdir << 9)) <= 0L) { ret = err(nomemory); goto rcvrend; } /* Read in root directory */ if ((ret = rdsects(ldev, sectdir, (char *)rootdir, strootdir)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(dirread); ret = ERROR; goto rcvrend; } /* Allocate space for a temporary FAT image and zero it out */ fakefat = 0L; if ((fakefat = (UWORD *)Malloc((long)fatsiz << 9)) <= 0L) { ret = err(nomemory); goto rcvrend; } fillbuf((char *)fakefat, ((long)fatsiz << 9), 0L); /* Copy the new orphans from current FAT to this */ /* temporary FAT only if they are part of a file chain */ orph2del = 0; /* no orphan is copied to fake FAT yet */ for (i = 1; i <= *neworphs; i++) { gw((fatimg + *(neworphs + i)), &content); if ((content >= 0x0002 && content <= 0x7fff) /* part of file */ || (content >= 0xfff8 && content <= 0xffff)) { *(fakefat + *(neworphs + i)) = content; /* copy to temp FAT */ orph2del++; /* one more orphan to take care of */ } } /* start recovering... */ stfat = 2; /* start at beginning of fake FAT */ stdir = 0; /* start at beginning of root directory */ endofdir = FALSE; /* not at end of root directory yet */ rootfull = 0; nextorph: while (orph2del > 0) { /* more orphan to take care of? */ /* Yes, find next non-zero entry in fake FAT */ for (orph = stfat; *(fakefat+orph) == 0; orph++) ; stfat = orph + 1; /* next time start from here to walk FAT */ /* Root directory was already full, and user choose to deallocate all remaining new orphans on the disk. */ if (rootfull) { /* root directory is full already */ *(fatimg + orph) = 0; /* deallocate orphan from real FAT */ orph2del--; /* one fewer to go */ goto nextorph; /* find the next one */ } /* Find an empty slot in the root directory */ if ((dirslot = rtdirslot(rootdir, stdir)) == ERROR) { /* FIRST TIME -- Root directory is FULL! */ rootfull = 1; if (execform(nodrslot) == NODRNO) { /* wanna keep lost clus */ goto okend; /* Nope! */ } /* Yup. */ *(fatimg + orph) = 0; /* Zero out current orphan */ orph2del--; /* one fewer to go */ goto nextorph; /* find the next one to zero out */ } stdir = dirslot + 1; /* next time start from here to find slots */ /* Find head of chain that this cluster belongs to */ if ((chain = getstart(&emptyorph, orph, ldev-'A')) <= 0L) { ret = ERROR; goto rcvrend; } /* Erase chain from fake FAT */ endofchain = 0; /* not end of chain yet */ numclus = 0; /* no cluster zeroed yet */ prev = curr = chain->gs_head; /* start from head of chain */ while (!endofchain) { /* while not end of chain */ content = *(fakefat + curr); /* next cluster in chain */ *(fakefat + curr) = 0; /* zero current entry */ if (!content) { /* next cluster is 0? */ endofchain = 1; /* Yes, BAD! end it */ *(fatimg + prev) = 0xffff; /* stop chain in real FAT */ } else if (content >= 0xfff8 && content <= 0xffff) { /* last clus */ numclus++; /* zeroed last one */ endofchain = 1; /* end of chain reached */ } else { /* still at middle of chain */ prev = curr; /* current becomes previous */ curr = content; /* next becomes current */ numclus++; /* one more is zeroed */ } } /* Move the file to root directory and erase chain from fake FAT */ availslot = rootdir + dirslot; strcpy(availslot->f_name, "TMP"); /* file name */ htoa((long)chain->gs_head, namebuf, 1); strcat(availslot->f_name, namebuf); strcat(availslot->f_name, " "); availslot->f_attrib = 0; /* file attrib */ tget = Tgettime(); /* time created */ iw(&(availslot->f_time), tget); tget = Tgetdate(); /* date created */ iw(&(availslot->f_date), tget); iw(&(availslot->f_clust), chain->gs_head); /* starting clus */ il(&(availslot->f_fileln), (long)(numclus*clusiz)); /* file length */ /* update number of orphans to delete */ orph2del -= numclus; } okend: /* Write root directory back on disk */ if ((ret = wrsects(ldev, sectdir, (char *)rootdir, strootdir)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(dirwrite); ret = ERROR; goto rcvrend; } ret = OK; rcvrend: if (fakefat > 0) Mfree((long)fakefat); if (rootdir > 0) free (rootdir); return ret; } /* * Rtdirslot() * Find the next available directory slot in the root directory * of the given partition. * * Input: * dirimg - image of the root directory read from disk. * start - directory slot number to start with. * * Return: * dirslot - available directory slot number. * ERROR - no more available slot. * * Comments: * Note that, a zero entry marks the end of the directory. That is, * all subsequent entries are available. */ rtdirslot(dirimg, start) FCB *dirimg; UWORD start; { int i; if (endofdir == TRUE) { /* End of directory reached? */ if (start < ndirs) /* Yes, full? */ return (start); /* No, next slot will be available. */ else /* Yes, no available slot */ return ERROR; } for (i = start; i < ndirs; i++) { if ((dirimg+i)->f_name[0] == FN_DEL) /* entry of a deleted file is OK */ return i; if (!((dirimg + i)->f_name[0])) { /* end of directory is reached */ endofdir = TRUE; return i; } } return ERROR; /* no available slot found */ } /* * Rmvfiles() * Remove orphan clusters which were allocated to files which * are now lost from the FAT. * * Input: * fatimg - image of FAT 0. * neworphs - list of new orphans. * * Return: * OK - when finished. */ rmvfiles(fatimg, neworphs) UWORD *fatimg; UWORD *neworphs; { int i; /* index into orphan list */ UWORD content; /* pointer to next cluster */ for (i = 1; i <= *neworphs; i++) { gw((fatimg + *(neworphs + i)), &content); if ((content >= 0x0002 && content <= 0x7fff) /* part of file */ || (content >= 0xfff8 && content <= 0xffff)) { *(fatimg + *(neworphs + i)) = 0; /* remove it */ } } return OK; } /* * Markfile() * Put up dialogue informing which file is trashed, and * request action from user. * * Input: * ldev - logical device number. ('C' -> 'P') * fatimg - image of FAT 0. * fatsiz - number of clusters FAT occupies. * clno - cluster which bad sector resides. * nxtcl - cluster pointed to by bad cluster. * * Return: * 1 - if successful and cluster with bad sector is marked. * 0 - if successful but didn't mark the bad sector. * ERROR - something's wrong. */ markfile(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno, nxtcl) int ldev; UWORD *fatimg; UWORD fatsiz; UWORD clno; UWORD nxtcl; { int ret; lmrkfile[BADFILE].ob_width = strlen(dpname)*gl_wchar; lmrkfile[BADFILE].ob_x = (lmrkfile->ob_width - lmrkfile[BADFILE].ob_width) >> 1; lmrkfile[BADFILE].ob_spec = dpname; (lmrkfile[BADSEC].ob_spec)->te_ptext = sectbuf; itoa(clno+2, clusbuf); (lmrkfile[BADCLU].ob_spec)->te_ptext = clusbuf; lmrkfile[DELFILE].ob_state = NORMAL; lmrkfile[SKIPOVER].ob_state = NORMAL; lmrkfile[IGNORBAD].ob_state = NORMAL; /* Put up the dialogue */ ret = execform(lmrkfile); /* Action requested by Jackson is... */ switch (ret) { case DELFILE: /* Delete file */ /* User's choice => can delete */ if (Fdelete(pname)) { ret = err(cantdel); } /* Read current FAT; fat0 starts at sector 1 */ if ((ret = rdsects(ldev, fatsiz, (char *)fatimg, (SECTOR)ratio)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(fatread); ret = ERROR; break; } /* Mark the cluster bad */ *(fatimg+clno+2) = 0xf7ff; /* 0xfff7 in 8086-land */ ret = 1; /* 1 cluster marked bad */ break; case SKIPOVER: /* Skip over bad sector */ ret = skpfile(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno, nxtcl); break; case IGNORBAD: ret = 0; break; default: ret = ERROR; break; } return ret; } /* * Skpfile() * Skip over a cluster which contains a bad sector of a file. * * Input: * ldev - logical device number. ('C' -> 'P') * fatimg - image of FAT 0. * fatsiz - number of clusters FAT occupies. * clno - cluster which bad sector resides. * nxtcl - cluster pointed to by bad cluster. * * Return: * 1 - if cluster with bad sector is marked. * OK - if successful. * ERROR - can't read boot sector. * * Comments: * Need to adjust length and/or modify directory entry of the * corresponding file. * Complications arise when file is a subdirectory. For first * trial, nothing is done for subdirectories for now. * */ skpfile(ldev, fatimg, fatsiz, clno, nxtcl) int ldev; UWORD *fatimg; UWORD fatsiz; UWORD clno; UWORD nxtcl; { FCB *dirent; /* a directory entry */ int ret; /* return code */ long flen; /* file length (68000 format) */ long gl(); /* get a long from 8086 format */ long left; /* #bytes in last cluster of file */ char buf[512]; ret = OK; /* assume everything is OK now... */ /* Read directory sector containing the file from disk */ if ((ret = rdsects(ldev, 1, buf, (SECTOR)finfo->gs_dsect*ratio)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(sdirread); ret = 0; goto skipend; } /* Get directory entry of file */ dirent = (FCB *)(buf + finfo->gs_doff); /* Relink the file */ if (!(finfo->gs_count - 1)) { /* it's 1st cluster */ if (nxtcl >= 0xfff0) { /* it's also last cluster */ if (Fdelete(pname)) /* just delete it */ ret = err(cantdel); /* Read in current FAT; fat0 starts at sector 1 */ if ((ret = rdsects(ldev,fatsiz,(char *)fatimg,(SECTOR)ratio))!= 0){ if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(fatread); ret = ERROR; goto skipend; } goto markit; } iw(&(dirent->f_clust), nxtcl); /* new starting clus = next clus */ } else { /* otherwise */ iw((fatimg + finfo->gs_prev), nxtcl); /* skip cluster marked bad */ } /* Adjust file size */ /* Is it end of file, or #bytes give exact clusters?? */ gl(&(dirent->f_fileln), &flen); if (flen) { if ((!(left = flen % clusiz)) || nxtcl < 0xfff0) flen -= clusiz; /* Yes, subtract entire unusable cluster */ else flen -= left; /* Nope, subtract unusable bytes */ il(&(dirent->f_fileln), flen); /* install new file length */ } /* Write directory sector containing the file back to disk */ if ((ret = wrsects(ldev, 1, buf, (SECTOR)finfo->gs_dsect*ratio)) != 0) { if (tsterr(ret) != OK) err(sdirwrit); ret = 0; goto skipend; } markit: /* Mark the cluster bad */ *(fatimg+clno+2) = 0xf7ff; /* 0xfff7 in 8086-land */ ret = 1; /* 1 cluster marked bad */ skipend: return (ret); } /* * Put long in memory in 8086 byte-reversed format. * */ il(d, s) long *d; long s; { char *p; p = (char *)d; p[0] = s & 0xffff; p[1] = ((s >> 8) & 0xffff); p[2] = ((s >> 16) & 0xffff); p[3] = ((s >> 24) & 0xffff); } /* * Get word in memory, from 8086 byte-reversed format. * */ long gl(s, d) long *s; long *d; { char *p, *q; p = (char *)s; q = (char *)d; q[0] = p[3]; q[1] = p[2]; q[2] = p[1]; q[3] = p[0]; return *d; } /* * fl() - Find a long in an array of longs. * - Returns 1 if found; 0 if not found; */ fl(tofind, numl, llist) long tofind; /* long to search for */ UWORD numl; /* # of longs in the array */ long *llist; /* ptr to array of longs */ { long i, *slist; slist = llist; for (i = 0L; i < numl; i++) if (tofind == *slist++) return 1; return 0; }