FUNKYWARE.ORG - TT_WHITE.TXT - 06.10.1997 ----- FUNKYWARE.ORG - TT_WHITE.TXT - 06.10.1997 NOTE: The following came to me from Mario Becroft, after reading my request for a patch to fix the "Polaroid" white border, seen on a TT's color screen modes. *** Date: Mon, 4 Aug 97 12:52 NZST From: Mario Becroft To: (Martin-Eric Racine) Subject: TT white border patch I noticed on your WWW page mention of a TT white border patch. I think that patch must be one that I was working on and obviously someone said something about it and now everyone has heard of it. You may as well post these details on your WWW page if you like, editing them as necessary. I find the white border annoying, so I thought of ways of fixing it. Changing the palette has the effect of changing the border colour, but the problem is exchanging the white colour in the palette to black and black to white means that, while the border colour is fixed, items drawn onscreen will come out in the wrong colour. Therefore, a patch would need to change the palette and keep things to still be drawn in the correct colours despite a changed palette. In other words, it would have to swap colours 0 and 1 when drawing to the screen. I found two ways of doing this: * I could write a patch that intercepts all the VDI colour setting calls and swaps colours 0 and 1. * I could patch NVDI so that it's VDIhardware lookup tables are changed so that VDI colours 0 and 1 are swapped. I tried both of these approaches, and here are the results: * The patch of the VDI colour calls: This worked reasonably well after I patched all vs?_color() calls, but I found that there would be a major problem or two. Text, drawn with v_gtext, still had its background when drawn in opaque mode drawn with index 0, and there was no way of changing this. This means that I would have to reqrite v_gtext, which is would be rather a big job, if possible at all. Bitmaps were also, of course, drawn in the wrong colours, and I think that to fix this it would be necessary to patch vr_trnfm. This would also be a big job. So I have given up on this idea. * The patch of NVDI itself: I looked all through the relevant parts of NVDI (the NVDI binary and screen drivers) and I patched all the VDIhardware lookup tables I could find. Unfortunately, this did not work very well. In 16 colour mode, it worked for the mouse pointer but nothing else, and in 256 colour mode it worked for some things and not others. Perhaps I patched the wrong lookup tables (although I could not find any others anywhere in NVDI) or perhaps NVDI has some lookup tables that are not recognisable as VDIhardware tables. So, to summarise, neither of these approaches worked. The first approach might be successful with a lot of work, but even then it is doubtful. I believe it would be relatively easy for a fix for the white border problem to be included into NVDI, but I don't think NVDI authors would want to include a fix, for a silly problem in a machine like the TT. I hope that clarifies the situation regarding the patch. If you have any further queries, don't hesitate to contact me. -- Mario Becroft Auckland, New Zealand Tariland, Atari Support in New Zealand . ----- NOTE: those who need to print this may crop HTML tags above and below the five dashes and re-save as straight ASCII text. HOME