ExtenDOS v1.1 Now Available --------------------------- The latest release of ExtenDOS, version 1.1, is now available from: Anodyne Software 6 Cobbler Court Ottawa Ontario K1V 0B8 Canada. ExtenDOS is a low-cost extension to the standard Atari operating system that provides support for reading CD-ROMs in ISO9660 format (the industry- standard). Version 1.1 provides new features, including full Falcon030 support, and limited MultiTOS support. It continues to offer higher performance and more features than alternative solutions. FALCON030 support ExtenDOS now supports the Falcon030 in addition to the ST, STe, Mega, and TT030. ExtenDOS has also been tested on the NEC 74 drive (the external version of the NEC 84), and works without problems. The list of drives that ExtenDOS is known to work with is: Atari CDAR-504 Panasonic (Matsushita) CR-501 NEC 74/84 Sony CDU-541 Toshiba 3401 It is also expected to work with any SCSI-1 or SCSI-2 compatible drive. MultiTOS experience Although ExtenDOS is not designed to run under MultiTOS, it will in fact run, as long as memory protection is turned off. At this time, the only drawback to running ExtenDOS under MultiTOS is that it is impossible to run programs directly from a CD-ROM. Performance Initial timing comparisons show TOS+ExtenDOS to be 2 to 3 times faster than MultiTOS+XFS driver. Running ExtenDOS with MultiTOS provided performance somewhat slower than with TOS, although still significantly faster than the MultiTOS/XFS combination. These results were obtained with one MultiTOS setup; variations in setup may affect the relative performance. Pricing ExtenDOS v1.1 is still only $19.95 _including_ shipping & handling (US$ for US delivery, Cdn$ for Canadian delivery, Ontario residents please add 8% PST). Please make your payment by cheque or money order.