=============================================================================== UNDERCOVER '6' =============================================================================== EWIGKEIT ---------- Crew : Spirits / Deutschland Was? : 4-Ktro -> Competition (1. Platz) System : F030, 4 MB RAM, RGB, 4056 bzw. 4060 Bytes auf Platte Credits : Coding - Kyne of Spirits Connor of Spirits Dies war nun (entgegen A.-t-'s Aussage in der ST-Computer) das Gewinner-4-Kteil auf der Symposium... Technisch zu Recht, mit der Message des Demos kann ich allerdings, als gestandener Atheist, absolut gar nichts anfangen... Die beiden haben Bibel-Texte eingebaut und mit entsprechenden Effekten untermalt. Zu Beginn seht ihr eine sich drehende Erdkugel als Line-Vektor, diese wird dann abgefackelt und eine zweite Line-Vektorkugel erscheint. Danach gibt es noch einen Feuereffekt und zum Schluž noch eine Simpel-Grafik... Wie gesagt, auf der technischen Seite ist dieses Teil fast schon ein Wunderwerk. Kyne hat die mit Abstand besten Fire-Routinen auf dem Falcon geschrieben, welche meines Erach- tens erheblich besser als die von Lazer, Inter und allen anderen sind... Ich habe diverse Testscreens von ihm hier, die jedoch nicht released werden drfen und somit habt ihr leider nur dieses kleine Demo hier zum Vergleich... Wer dieses Demo nicht hat, geh”rt erschossen. Ignoriert die Texte, solltet ihr euch daran stožen... Obwohl dies das letzte Falcon-Demo der beiden werden sollte, haben sie die oben aufgefhrte Demo in Angriff genommen, ob es zu einem Release der von Connor ge- codeten Parts kommt, weiž ich nicht... Wertung / Schulnotensystem -------------------------- Coding : 1 Design : 1 Originalit„t : 1 ----------------- Gesamt : 1 ================= =============================================================================== MAGGIE 20 =============================================================================== SPIRITS 4KTRO ------------- Most people haven't heard of "Spirits", and most people will never hear of Spirits again as this appears to be their last demo, and a pretty controversial one at that. The demo begins by switching into double line mode (yes, it is German). The screen is split into two for the demo with effects appearing on the left and text appearing on the right. This effectively gives a 192x100 area for effects. The first effect is a spinning globe. The definition is quite rough, as you would expect from a 4K intro, but it still a good effect. The countries then explode into fire and the earth spins around burning in an Armageddon-stylee. Another spherical object appears, this looks like an oversized beach ball and it spins about pleasantly. I'm sure there is some deep theological meaning to this object's structure and angle of rotation, but I couldn't find it. Next up there is the lake of fire and brimestone - a good excuse as any for a fire effect. OK, so fire effects have been done to death - their impressiveness is almost burnt out - but this is done so well, it makes other fire effects glow with envy. It is a roaring success. Next we have some shade circles drawn with three crosses superimposed on them. Yes, its a god-squad demo, and the bible-bashing doesn't come more righteous than this. On the right of the screen we have quotations from the bible and other religious messages. The read me text file is an outpouring of hate against computers, coding and computer users, saying that they are pointless. You know you are in trouble with a demo when it comes in two versions: King James and Luther! (We are just waiting for the Waco Cult remix!) I'm not against people having a belief, but I'm not sure its a very good idea to have demos promoting political or religious messages - that's not really their purpose. Demos are there for entertainment, its as simple as that. The messages on this demo are unintentionally funny as the coder's grasp of English grammar isn't very hot. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THESE DAYS?" he demands, proving he had no divine intervention when checking the grammar of the scroller. The misspelling of "repent" at the end is also quite ironic. The coders claim in the read me file that they didn't care if they won the competition as they had no interest in either it or computers any more. They did actually get an award for their demo, and did they reject the materialistic prize? No, they marched through the crowds to the stage with great grins on their faces. A bit of hypocrisy there I think. Whilst the other read me files are friendly and jokey and extend messages of warmth and friendship to other computer users, the Spirits one does the opposite. They believe their faith makes them superior to everyone else, who they have nothing but contempt for. How charitable. Spirits say the only reason they made this demo was to convert people to Christianity, but it has the effect of hardening people's hearts against the religion. The bible is just a form of social control. Most of the New testament was written 40-100 years after the events they report on, so great doubt must be cast on its accuracy. Lets face it, if there was a god would we have to put up with Windows 95? I think not. ( Blaspheming : Mr. Pink ) CiH add-on ed note thing.. Yeah, there's something about fundamentalism that attracts the morbid and weird obsessive elements like moths to a blowtorch.. I heard an interesting little story a while ago from a friend who associates with these kind of people.. You can be having a normal conversation, and then they say something which completely blows you away.. For example:- Friends Wife.. "Gaw Blimey! (Jokingly) God botherer.. "You mustn't say that, it's dangerous!!" Friends Wife "But why not, it's just a harmless turn of phrase.." God botherer.. "Ah, but if you look *closely* at the phrase it means 'GOD BLIND ME' and I'm sure you don't want that to happen!" Friends Wife.. "?!?!?!?!?!" (Surprise) And having attracted a fatwa from frenzied Spirits members onto my not inconsiderable shoulders, I'll leave it at that!! - CiH ----- Next up, is something very different, a group called Spirits who produce something that can only be described as a 'Godtro'.. It comes in several parts, which sort of contravenes one of the main rules for the 4K category, one effect only.. A spinning vector representation of the world, continents in outline form start up, with a progressively creepier religious text on the right hand side.. The spinning vector continents burst into flame, then when the text gets really dire and turns into threats, a brilliant liquid bubbling flame comes into the screen. The last screen is an eclipse like scene signifying the resurrection.. Brilliant demo, dubiously posed message.. This one get cheers when particular effects are onscreen.. ----- Question: Which group did the rather strange and oppressively religious 4k intro? Correct answer: Spirits Yes, what a miserable bunch of tossers Wrong answer: No, burn in hell for getting it wrong!