...SYX SENDER... ...CODED BY MR PINK... ...(C) 1997 RESERVOIR GODS... This is just a simple .SYX sender that I knocked up after downloading some interesting looking files for my Super-JV. There are probably millions of similar programs available, its just that I have never seen them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW TO USE SYX-SEND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply drag your .SYX file onto the SYX_SEND.PRG and this file will be automatically sent to your currently connected MIDI devices. Ensure that your MIDI out cables are linked to the correct unit! If you are using a TOS versions that doesn't support drag and drop for passing filenames, rename SYX_SEND.PRG to SYX_SEND.TTP and enter the full filename of the .SYX file as the argument. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACT THE AUTHOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please send any feedback about this program to: Leon O'Reilly.Cwm Isaf.Abermule.Welshpool.Powys.SY15 6JL leon@powys.tec.org.uk