= TERMINAL KETCHUP = 128 BYTE INTRO = BY RESERVOIR GODS = Herman Stockwell studied the eco-system on his plate. The sausage, egg and beans looked the result of some hideous genetic experiment. The rubbery egg white floated aimlessly on a sea of grease. Beans briefly emerged from the oil slick, gasping for air, before being unceremoniously submerged again. The sausages, giant oil tankers, slowly patrolled the perimeters of the dish scattering terrified beans in all directions. Herman took a large bite out of his fried bread and stared out of the window. At least he tried to stare out of the window, but the layers of grease it was caked in limited visibility to a few yards. He could still make out the giant crocodile of taxi cabs parked on street outside. Good though it was, thought Herman, the food was still lacking one vital ingredient. He reached across the table and grabbed a dirty red plastic bottle. Its label, in simple lettering, featured one word in bold prominence. "DEATH". = TERMINAL KETCHUP = 128 BYTE INTRO = BY RESERVOIR GODS = Remember the first ever Falcon demo you got? No, not that one, the one by Sanity with the ace Jester music... Yes! Here is a 128 byte version of 'Terminal Fuckup'! Set your Falcon into 320x200 True Colour Mode. Run 'TERMINAL.PRG'. Hum the Jester music in time to the rot zoomer. Terminal Ketchup requires an FPU and a strong stomach. = TERMINAL KETCHUP = 128 BYTE INTRO = BY RESERVOIR GODS = Contact: mrpink_rg@hotmail.com [ HP Sauce ] msg_rg@hotmail.com [ Mayo ] ripley_rg@hotmail.com [ Salad Cream ] sh3@zentet.co.uk [ Condiments ] http://www.acs.bolton.ac.uk/~msg1css/maison.htm http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/zmoe3/three.htm ================================================================================ [C] 1998 RESERVOIR GODS ================================================================================