________ __________ \______ \ \______ \__ __ ____ | | \ ______ | | _/ | \/ ___\ | ` \ /_____/ | | \ | / /_/ > /_______ / |______ /____/\___ / \/ \/ /_____/ (not dead, just resting!) presents: Evolution by Exa - Fixed Hi darlings, I only learned of this demo a few days ago, when some people reported that it would not run on their machines anymore, although people remember it running back in the 90s. Well, I took a quick look at it; the version that was hosted on popular sites would not extract using Atari unzip programs (I tried STZIP and the official unzip, both giving some CRC errors), plus the file names were a bit bogus and would potentially break things. So I unpacked it on PC and fixed the filenames. Et voila! Tested on my 14" CRT monitor so I'm sure it works 100%. The only thing I did before packaging it was to pack the .prg using UPX, so if it gives you any shit, it's probably that. Or maybe that you didn't run it on RGB. Or, well, something entirely random. Get in touch if something goes wrong :). Anyway, hope you enjoy this! - ggn on 02/Sep/2013