*************************************************************************** MEGATRACKER 0.932á september, 25th 1994 Bug of STOP button fixed (thanks to BLISS) Now you can choose the tracks (for each voice) Some minor details implemented, as : - The Shift keys are now active, try them with Arrows Try also them with the Insert Key (Insert a blank line in current track) and the Clr-Home Key (Delete a line in current Track) - You can now press the mouse buttons for a long time Repetitions have been implemented (useful to scroll the directory) - Try the F8 key (VGA mode only) - SpaceBar = Play Song On/Off - BackSpace = Blank the current line of the current track (Pointed by the cursor) Some little shitty bugs removed (I swear the next time it will be the version 0.94á. The Version 1.0 will be registerable (soon)) *************************************************************************** MEGATRACKER 0.931á august, 18th 1994 This is exactly the same version than 0.93á BUT with many bugs fixed: (I hope) Loading correct No more ghosts rows EDIT function correct scrolling track correct MTM loop correct (MTM module TIMEDRIF.MTM now correct it was the only one I found with this bug) Font now 8*8 (instead of 8*7, I used it on the STE to have more cpu time. Bugging the minus letters) Hem... I have not yet coded the 669 format to my new format (with track) but I will do it (I swear). *************************************************************************** MEGATRACKER 0.93á august, 8th 1994 Great improvement : Now each patterns are no rows nor columns any longer. I use a new system (new for soundtracker not for sequencer) : the TRACKS Now patterns are just : len (# of rows) of pattern + pointers (Voice -> Track). Look at the difference between a MOD loaded and a MTM loaded. The first one has his tracks consecutives, not the second one. This way allow to save much of memory wasted as before. Now you can chose the max number of Positions (len of a sequence), Patterns and tracks up to 65535 (eheh). Hem! in fact, in this version you can only increase this number, decrease not yet implemented (I'm working on it with suppession of selected track (not the last, as decreasing), and the insertion (not adding to the end). You cannot choose your track yet. WARNING : The display is now hexa. New : The parameters are on 2 bytes (MOD : 1 byte) allowing to implement better effect (volume from 0 to 255 instead of 64 for both left and right at the same time, arpeggio on 5 periods instead of 3, ...) New function: $22 SET STEREO param: xxyy (xx:left volume yy:right vol) BUT I have not yet implemented the new volume management (0 ->255) still 64... (I'm working on it) The bug of the bad loop in S3M format if fixed Some minor bugs are fixed (I now there are still left) Now I'm working on the 0.94 with : Supp, Insert : pos,patt,track modification of a len of track (<> len of the patt) If len track = len patt => no prbm If len track > len patt => the end of the patt has priority the rows left of the track will not be played If len track < len patt => nothing will be played at the end of track Block management *************************************************************************** MEGATRACKER 0.92á june, 24th 1994 Now can hear S3M mod format, not 100% correct because of 2 new effects (tremor and retrig+volumeslide), and strange loop samples (2ND_PM.S3M). If you think that a sample should not loop, then choose it (using 'insert' and 'clr' keys), then press F6 to disable loop mode. Some minor bugs removed *************************************************************************** And now this is the MEGATRACKER 0.91á june, 4th 1994 Tempo is now implemented (by Simplet (Abstract)) Using Host Interrupts for both 68030 and DSP, useful for leaving free more DSP memory (I compute 1 channel at time), so you can have others routs in it. Sample base frequency is now from 8400 to 49170 The 6 octaves are enabled (Keyboard : low, med , high, very high) WARNING : the higher the frequency is, the more 68030 time you take Panning is now implemented (From PC version : MTM and S3M) It's the $E8 function ($18 here) Parameter is from 0 to $f (from left to right) And soon : A mega .MOD format New panning management : both sides (left and right) will be independant *************************************************************************** So here is the MEGATRACKER 0.9á may, 23th 1994 by Axel Follet (MCS) for the Code Simplet (Abstract) for the DSP rout Alf (?) for the GRFX Featuring 32 channels 8 bits (interpolated to 16 bits) Allowing MOD format, 8CHN, CD81, FLT8, 669(rename them to .mod), MAD, MTM (also Oktalyser (amiga) but not really correct) and soon S3M (because I receive the official format yesterday) REMEMBER to modify a value (as volume, position, pattern ...) click on it with the left button to increase (by 1, 10 or 100) and the right one to decrease (same) To load a mod click on it then click on LOAD (SAVE is disabled) (You can pack with the ATOMIK 3.5) For Loading a sample the MEGATRAK will find the first free place. To go up on directories click on the smiley Volume is modified by the number of active voices (you can modify it yourself but the sound can become trashy) Frequency is not useful with the DSP version (Old 68030 version used it) To change selected drive, click on it then click on DRIVE to validate (WARNING I've got many trouble with A and B floppy but as everybody have an Hard Drive ...) KEYBOARD : if you choose PIANO : Standard soundtracker piano keyboard OCTAVE is LOW, MED or HIGH because AMIGA format has 3 octaves (from A-1 to G-3) mine has 6 octaves (from A-0 to G-5) BUT in this demo version it is not correctly implemented (bugs with MTM format) if you choose DRUM : The keyboard will be a DrumKit (try all keys) and as you can have 256 samples and the keyboard has only 64 keys POSITION allow you to reach all samples ('A' key is the first spl) And in SAMPLE you can choose the correct FRQ. command and parameter for a sample (useful for DRUMKIT). Volume and fine tune are used both by PIANO and DRUM. MONO/STEREO are not implemented in this version SIGNED allow to convert SIGNED/UNSIGNED sample CODED ON (8 / 16) BITS (no comment) REDUCED TO (15-14 / 7-6) BITS is not useful with the DSP version (it was for the 68030 version) MEGATRACK allows several MUSIC in 1 module (a music is a succession of patterns) NOTE OPTION is not yet implemented Clear SAMPLE,PATTERN or MUSIC (just erase current) Clear ALL SAMPLE,PATTERN or MUSIC (erase all) VOICES : a 'X' : voice is a music channel (and/or) a 'F' : voice is a sound FX channel (for the replay rout) a 'B' : for block mode (not implemented in this beta version) (block will be copied,cut,pasted or deleted) Block mode is not implemented here In sample, loop is not modifiable yet Instead of the AMIGA format, in pattern, volume is independant a row is coded : 1 byte for the note 1 byte for the instrument 1 byte for the command 1 byte for the parameter 1 byte for the volume (equivalent to 'C' command) (but 'C' has priority) With this DSP version I have not implemented the TEMPO, and you can count 1% to 1,5% of 68030 time taken by voice (for the replay rout only because all voices are actives in the editor, but not necessairly listenable) The samples have no lenght limit Press : 'HELP' to watch cpu time taken 'UNDO' to modifie the stereo (LLRR to LRLR) due to AMIGA non standard stereo 'INS' and 'CLR' : change the number of the current sample (PIANO mode) same effect by clicking 'ESC' to stop listening I include all Protracker effects (except funk, filter and panning (PC) ) The $Exy commands (protracker) are implemented in $1x yy (MGT) and I will implemente new S3M effects Well I think that's all for this moment. I began to code this in november 1990 for my STE (11 voices) and little by little (when I had time) I ameliorate it, and it will be in constant evolution. For any comments : AUDUC Guillaume 5,allee cassard 44000 NANTES FRANCE 40 47 93 58 RTEL bal AXEL FOLLET If you are interested by replay rout (using very easily sound FX) contact me for negociation. ***************************************************************************