NatFrame v1.1b a Nature production Description: This is a winframe replacement for Magic 6.x. It uses textures for the different parts of the windows, so it's finally possible to get rid of those dull grey windows. NatFrame now supports textures in 16 and 256 colours as well as 15, 16, 24 and 32bit resolutions, and requires NVDI 5. NatFrame gives you monochrome windows in less than 16 colour resolutions. New things since v1.0b: * Justification of title bar text is choosable. * New drawing modes: Horizontally repeat end sections of a texture, the mid part occurs only once. One variant adjusts the mid part after the end of the title bar text, while the other variant simply puts the mid part exactly in the middle. * Separate text colours for title bar, information bar and icons. Installation instructions: 1) Rename WINFRAME.SLB and WINFRAME.RSC in the XTENSION-folder (probably under c:\gemsys\magic\xtension) to WINFRAME.SLX and WINFRAME.RSX respectively. 2) Unpack everything to the XTENSION-folder. The contents should be directly in the XTENSION-folder, and not in some NATFRAME-folder. So make sure the extractor doesn't create such a folder for you. 3) Edit WINFRAME.INF, which is in the XTENSION-folder. There's a path after "PATH=", which should point to the DAT-file to be used by NatFrame (for example in \THEMES\STONE1\). Example: PATH=c:\gemsys\magic\xtension\themes\stone1\stone1.dat 4) If you intend to use NatFrame under 16 or 256 colours, run SAVE_PAL.PRG from the XTENSION folder, so that the current palette will be used by NatFrame for rastering the textures before use. Otherwise the textures might be rastered using an incorrect palette, giving you messed up textures. You will have to run the program once under 16 and 256 colours respectively. SAVE_PAL.PRG saves the current palette where the currently used theme is, which means that you have to run SAVE_PAL.PRG again if you change themes. 5) Switch to a 16 or 256 colour mode or a 15, 16, 24 or 32 bit mode. Disclaimer: We take no responsibility whatsoever for loss of data, or anything else that might happen while using this program. It is provided as is, but has been tested and works fine for us. Copyright: NatFrame is copyright Torbj”rn Gild† 2000-2002. It may be distributed freely, as long as no profit is being made from it. It may however be included on coverdisks and other media that accompanies computer news media. Credits: Coding InSTream (Torbj”rn Gild†) Graphics (Stone1 theme) Hencox InSTream 23 May 2002 /Torbj”rn Gild†