--------------------------------------------------------------------- > < > D E M O < > < > JingleFALCON < > ------------ < > V1.30.0 < > < > < --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a demo of a program for playing jingle and commercial spots on radiostations. This version is a demoversion of the beta test. You can use following sampleformats: Unpacked DVSM(WinRec), WAVE(PC) and AIFF(CubaseAudio). It must be run with MultiTOS without memory protection. And it needs a ATARI/C-LAB FALCON 030. with min. 14 MB RAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | - WARNING - | | | | USE THE PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK | --------------------------------------------------------------------- You must have FOLDR200.PRG in your auto folder. Or you will crash your harddisk. If you find some bugs, please let me know. To install the program run the install.app or copy all files to a directory named C:\JINGLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW 1.30.0 - Now it may be run without MultiTOS but whith limited function. - Bug fixes in format checking. - Fatal bug in drag&drop fixed. - Total time of jingle calculation bug fixed. - Fixed some problems with DVS files recorded in diferent versions of WinREC. - Faster code. - Faster start of jingles. - Some popup menus now windowed. BUGS - Still some problems with AIF and WAV files. --------------------------------------------------------------------- - THIS DEMO VERSION - are limited to only load/edit 2 jingle in each block. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This code will only be distributed on BBS or Internet FTP systems and with all files unchanged. --------------------------------------------------------------------- File: Note. README .TXT This text file README .SWE Swedish text file JINGLE .APP The program JINGLE .RSC The resource IMG .PRG (X)IMG Picture viewer LOGO .IMG Intro picture drawn by Bo Lennartsson PULS .DVS Example sound SCRIPT1 .SCR Example block BL_TAG1 .TAG Name on example block PGM_INFO.APP Program info module PGM_INF .RSC Rsc file for program info AUTOCUE .APP A program to automatic find/set cue points AUTOCUE .RSC Rsc file for AUTOCUE.APP PLAYBACK.APP Drag samples to this for playback. PLAYBACK.RSC Rsc file for playback.app CLOCK .APP Clock program VOLYM .APP This is for setting output volyme VOLYM .RSC FILEUPDT.APP This is for automatic finding moved files... UPDFLS .RSC HYP\JINGLE .HYP hypertext help. (st-guide) (swedish NOT Updated) HYP\JINGLE_E.HYP hypertext help. (st-guide) (english) --------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------+ | | | Phone +46(0)455 286 70 (Home) | | +46(0)708 127670 (mobile) | | | | E-Mail: erikhall@tripnet.se | | | | Or write to: | | Erik H„ll c/o Hoffstein | | Norrakungsgatan 7 | | S-371 33 KARLSKRONA | | SWEDEN | | | +---------------------------------+