Ray traced set of dominos on a marble table just waiting for someone to come along and knock them over. Created in POV-Ray version 2.2 using CSG and simple lighting. Thanks to the POV-Ray team for the program and the neat marble texture. Domino was created by George Ganoe to experiment with various CSG features using the Windows Notepad modeler. The .GIF file can be found as DOMINO.GIF in the POV Images library (lib 8) of the GRAPHDEV forum on Compuserve after the first month when it will be found in New Images (lib 1). Domino is Copyright 1994 by George Ganoe. All rights reserved. The POV-Ray options used to generate the image DOMINO.GIF are: povray +w640 +h480 +lD:\pov2.2\include +b100 +x +p +a0.05 +odomino.tga +v