A brief explanation of some of the standard FTPOV options... -lf:\pov\libs ; These are paths for '*.inc' libraries and -lf:\pov\include ; any image-maps without specific locations. +mv2.0 ; Choose +mv1.0 for POV1.0 compatibility. +ft ; Render TARGA format image. Other options include GIF. +v1 ; Produce reasonably verbose messages. +x ; Allow exit from POV during trace (-x is faster). +mb0 ; enable speed optimisations (automatic bounding slabs). +ulb ; use light-buffering for fast shadows. +uvb ; use vista-buffering for fast ray calculations. +ubq ; Allow bounding (optimisation) of quartic shapes. +usi ; Allow splitting & bounding of infinite shapes (planes etc.) -um2 ; Use CPU<->FPU method #2 (try 1 and 3 - but 2 is usually best). +a0.2 ; Anti-aliasing. Smoothing improves with smaller values (also slows down). +q9 ; Quality setting. 0=garbage : 9=maximum : 3=good for previews. -c ; Continue trace. This allows continuation of previously aborted render. +w160 ; image width +h120 ; image height