/******************************************************************** FILENAME: DOOM.H AUTHOR : JAKE HILL DATE : 12/1/94 Copyright (c) 1994 by Jake Hill: If you use any part of this code in your own project, please credit me in your documentation and source code. Thanks. ********************************************************************/ #ifndef DOOM_H #define DOOM_H typedef struct { char signature[4]; unsigned long num_entries; unsigned long foffset; } WAD_Header; typedef struct { unsigned long foffset; unsigned long size; char name[8]; } Directory_Entry; typedef struct { short x; short y; } vertex; typedef struct { short from, to; short flags, special, tag; short side[2]; } line; typedef struct { short tm_xoffset, tm_yoffset; char upper_tx[8]; char lower_tx[8]; char main_tx[8]; short sector; } side; typedef struct { short floor_ht; short ceiling_ht; char floor_tx[8]; char ceiling_tx[8]; short light; short type; short trigger; } sector; typedef struct { short from, to; unsigned short angle; short line; short line_side; short line_offset; } seg; typedef seg segment; typedef struct { short num_segs; short first_seg; } ssector; typedef struct { short x, y; short dx, dy; short ry2,ry1,rx1,rx2; short ly2,ly1,lx1,lx2; unsigned short right,left; } node; typedef struct { short x, y; unsigned short angle; short thing_type; short attributes; } thing; typedef struct { short x_origin, y_origin; short columns, rows; short *blockpointers; } blockmap_header; typedef short blockmap; //**************************************************************** // Additional structures created by me. //**************************************************************** typedef struct { char type; char opaque; long y1, y2; long dy1, dy2; } wall; typedef struct { short hight; short start, end; } floor_run; typedef struct { short tex_num; short top, bottom; } wall_run; #endif