Welcome 2 da 4k-tro of da CrAz1e5t AtAr1 Cod3R in da House. >>>>>>>>EARchaeopteryx<<<<<<<<< D3m0 call3d::::::::: IcErAiN,.,..,. Feat... - "3-legged-blob-from-outer-space" SoUnD-Fx - Wible-0-graphics - Icy colours (Like bangin' your head against the wall, while chewing on icecubes, MaN!!11!!...) - 3538 crappy code-bytes... GreetZ, To...... All AtarI fr3AKs + my dead dog and gerbil(Maybe they died of noise-overload???) Oh YEAgh..... :):):):) released for SILIconvention '97 (:(:(:(: . . . . EARchaeopteryx... The only person able to totally neglect his social life AND happily pick his nose at the same time!